Terms of use

Terms of use

Les Chalets Ile des Barrats
Tourism category
5 Chalets Montagnards built in 2010
SIRET : 349 808 246 00038 – APE 5510Z
Head office address : Emmanuel YOUT – 185, chemin de l’île des Barrats 74400 Chamonix- FRANCE

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The information provided on the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website is for information purposes only.
The Chalets de l’île des Barrats website cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information published on the site. The information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes may be periodically made to this information and will be incorporated in new editions.
The Chalets de l’île des Barrats website may, at any time, without notice, make improvements or changes to the information or services described on its website. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, distortion, in whole or in part, of the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website or its contents, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, is prohibited.
Any unauthorised use of the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website or its content, or of the information disclosed therein, will incur the liability of the user and will constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The Chalets de l’île des Barrats website provides access to other sites via hypertext links. As the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website is not the manager of these sites, it cannot control their content. Consequently, the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website may not under any circumstances be held responsible for the content of sites accessible in this way, or for any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process for the same purpose carried out by these sites.
Any public or private site is authorised to establish, without prior authorisation, a link to the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website provided that :
– the pages of the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website are not embedded within the pages of another website.
– only the main URL of the Chalets de l’île des Barrats website is used (no links to internal pages).

Technical management: DIEUP’ART publicité www.dieupart.com Photos & Virtual tours: Atelier du Cyclope www.atelier-cyclope.com
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Contact: webmaster[at]dieupart.com

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